2024 GPFA Annual Meeting concludes

Two quotes that capture the success of this week and the growth of this Association better than anything we would say…
“GPFA has opened our eyes to what’s possible in this industry.”
“GPFA’s Annual Meeting has become the professional highlight of my year.”

Creating value for our global beneficial owner community is the reason we exist. An Association for beneficial owners, by beneficial owners. We have long said that when beneficial owners come together to network, learn, and engage with one another, our entire industry progresses. We are better together and this week was proof of that.

Thank you to our members that travelled from far to attend this year’s meeting. Thank you to our GPFA Board and Leadership team for volunteering your time to make this event possible. Thank you to our speakers and presenters for opening our eyes and minds to new information.

And a huge thank you again to the entire team at Pacific Life for graciously hosting our group this week. We loved our time at your headquarters in Newport Beach!


Securities Finance Times releases article on GPFA Member


Keeping current on regulatory changes